Guyyyyyyyys! This book...

The book

About the book
- Steve reigns Ella in and stops her and Reed from being together.
- Reed is still the main suspect and tries to prove he is innocent.
- Ella nearly goes crazy living with Dinah and Steve. She thinks Dinah killed Brooke.
- Too much evidence shows that Reed killed Brooke, he decides to plead guilty.
- Ella, Steve and Dinah move back into the house Brooke was killed.
- Ella finds a letter that proves that Steve and Reed's mum (who committed suicide) had an affair and her guilt was the reason she killed herself.
- Ella runs away from him and falls at the fireplace where Brooke was killed, it clicks that Steve killed her.
- He admits he killed her but it was an accident as he thought she was Dinah and he thought Dinah was cheating on him with Reed.
- He seems like he will kill Ella when Dinah comes out with a gun. Dinah protects Ella and shoots Steve in the arm.
- Everyone finds out what happened. The charges are dropped for Reed.
- Cute ending.

Favourite Characters
My favourites are still Val, Ella, Wade and Easton.
Reed: He has been finally added as he has really proved himself. He was willing to jail to save his family. He truly cares about his family and I just love that.
Dinah: There was a scene towards the end where Dinah was drunk and talked about how horrible Maria was (Reed's mum). That was the first moment I actually liked her. She seemed human for the first time ever.That and when she saved Ella from Steve.
Callum: I have never mentioned him even though he is the 'Royal brothers' father. He does everything in his power to look out for his family which I honestly admire. I've loved his character since the first book.

Least Favourite Characters
Steve: I swear this dude needs a whole book just explain how much I hate him. The thing that really makes me hate him is the fact that he actually makes sense with how he trains Ella. That doesn't stop him from being a conceited psychotic murderer... just sayin.
Abby: She is Reed's ex-girlfriend. She is another one of the crazies, just wait until the end of the book...
Grier: He is the Royal family lawyer, he tries to help but I swear he is just a pain in the backside.


I knew from the end of the second book that Steve killed Brooke. It's just the way he turned up just after the murder, it just seemed fishy. I didn't really focus on it after because he didn't have a motive.
Most of the book is just normal teenager stuff and a lot of minute problems. The end of the book is where all the good stuff happens.

I am not going to be reviewing the next 2 books in the series for a while as, I feel like this book tied most things up and I am also reading and reviewing other books.

Btw Royal is the last name of Easton, Reed, Sawyer and Seb (the twins) and Callum their father.


Lots of Love
